1 min read

Day 1: I'm Back (E01)

Day 1: I'm Back (E01)

This is the beginning of an audio series about nothing in particular.

Sneak Peek (Ear Peek?):

November 22, 2023

Arrived in Hungary, lost bags, settled into the new flat, adjusted to time changes, and dealt with luggage issues. Wandered the city, navigated language barriers, and embraced the new environment. Prepared for a film festival and recounted the day's experiences.

00:00 Arrival in Hungary
01:56 First Impressions and Settling In
03:56 Navigating Daily Life
04:51 Reflections on Change
09:55 Adapting to the New Normal
10:55 Clsoing Thoughts

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

Musings from Budapest and Beyond
Personal Journals Podcast · 9 Episodes · Updated Weekly